Adventure Pups Hikes

Paws, Trails and Epic Tales!

  • hike, dog training, Michigan, board and train, classes

    Campers delight pack adventure

    What does our solo pack adventure mean? You can choose to have your pup hike solely with 1-3 of my pups. I will choose the dogs that best match your energy level and get along with your pup. Maybe your dog needs a bit of a confidence boost or rather a laid back hiking buddy. We will choose the best pack to hike with your pup.


    Friday morning: hike 1-2 miles $85.00

    Friday afternoon: 1-2 miles $85.00 or let your pup stay for the day $150.00

    Sat morning long hikes 4-6 miles 100.00

    Monday morning: 1-2 miles $85.00

  • dog training, hiking, Michigan, Lansing, Grand Rapids. fowler, ionia

    Solo adventure

    Do you have 1 or more dogs in your house hold and would like them to enjoy a hike together? We can do that! Just choose our Solo adventure. This is for the dogs that want some alone time or the house hold with multiple dogs.


    Friday morning: hike 1-2 miles $125.00 per dog Evening 1-2 miles $125.00 per dog

    Sat morning: long hike 4-6 miles (weather depending) $150.00 per dog

    Monday morning: hike 1-2 miles $125.00 per dog.

  •  Michigan, dog training, classes, Lansing, St. Johns, Ionia, Grand Rapids

    Trailblazer adventure

    Our package adventure program is our standard hike. We will schedule max of 3 dogs that match each other to go for a group hike.


    Friday morning: hike 1-2 miles $70.00 per dog. Evening 1-2 miles $70.00 per dog

    Sat morning: long hike 4-6 miles (weather depending) $85.00 per dog.

    Monday morning: hike 1-2 miles $70 per dog.